Ball Server Pack Volume: 53 AIO 20th Year Pack
by Hawke
- 1294 Quality balls available for selection via the BallServer Sider Overlay Menu
- Balls auto linked to over 30+ competitions via map_competitions.txt
Download Vol 53 AIO
- Link 1 = Evoweb Direct link
- Alternatif = Download
- Modul only = BallServer.lua, CommonLib.lua
- Download & install latest Ball Server module
- Download & install CommonLib
- Copy the "ball-server" folder from archive to your Sider "content" folder
- Important : Delete any other ball packs first, this is an AIO pack
Setting sider.ini
lua.module = "lib\CommonLib.lua"
lua.module = "BallServer.lua"
NOTE: Don't try to mix ball packs or you will face problems/ can of course add your own balls after installing this pack.
NOTE 2: If the patch your using came with a ballserver pack installed you must delete it before installing this pack. Failure to do so WILL result in errors that I can't fix.
zlac / BallServer Module
juce - nesa24 / Sider
All balls made by Hawke except the balls listed below
Angelj107 / Umbro Prodige Coupe De France model / T90 models + Normals / Massive help with fmdl to blender (Thanks Mate)
-cRoNoS- - Danyy - ppaaggpp / 2017 balls (Thanks for allowing me to convert them)
endo / PES2015/16/17 PS4 Models + Fifa 23 Updates (Thanks Mate)
Txak / Puma Final Statement La Liga / Puma LaLiga Santander Accelerate / Puma LaLiga Santander Adrenalina / Puma LaLiga Smartbank Accelerate / Puma LaLiga Smartbank Adrenalina / Nike Flight CONMEBOL Libertadores 2022 / Voit 100 Liga MX Apertura 2021 (Liguilla) / Voit 100 Liga MX Apertura 2021 Voit 100 Liga MX Clausura 2022 Voit 100 Liga MX Clausura 2022 (Blue Edition)
CAF Umbro Balls Topper Samba Velocity Pro 2021 / Voit 2022 Model (Thanks Mate)
Tiitoo / CAF Umbro Neo Pro Ball (Thanks Mate)
josemiguel_miuccio / Fevernova & Roteiro Models (Thanks Mate)
Hoppus117 / UCL Finale Paris 2022 (Thanks Mate)
shawminator / CGPE
Ron69 / Some Fifa 16 Textures/Models (Thanks Mate)
NFS_FM / Fifa Models (Thanks Mate)
scottish_carson / Switch Models (Thanks Mate)
nikolapfc89 / pao4ever / tokke001 / kimonos Fifa 23/FC24/FC25/11 Textures/Models (Thanks Chaps)
Algis / Puma Orbita LaLiga EA Sports 2023/24 Texture / Argentum 1893 Texture (Thanks Mate)
jdprouz / Nike Flight EPL 23/24 Files (Thanks Mate)
muham_istau / Adidas Oceaunz J-League KOTOHOGI 30 Texture (Thanks Mate)
Paul-v - Anth James / FC24 Exports (Thanks Chaps)
hayate / Fifa Models/Textures (Thanks Mate)
bobmoh19 / Puma OLA Texture / Golty Balls / Molten Vantaggio AA / MLS Leagues Cup / Errea / Orbita / Uhlsport / Kipsta Ligue1/2 Balls & Templates (Thanks Mate)
okaranza / FA Cup FC25 Files (Thanks Mate)
the_pelado FC25 Models & Textures (Thanks Mate)
jdprouz / Puma Cumbre Copa Libertadores/Copa Sudamericana (Thanks Mate)
Konami + FIFA (EA Sports)
Mudah2an dan tlng bgt ya buat T99, nanti klo mau buat pacth Transfer pemain. Yg liga2 asia dan america. Tlng di gabungkan aje. karna yaaa kita tau sendirilah. CR7 & M10 ada di kedua benua tersebut. Tlng ya T99.
BalasHapusGan, please boleh tolong di share juga file module "ball-server.lua" nya dong, skalian dengan "stadium-server.lua" nya ya Gan, thanks.
BalasHapuslink nya mati gan
BalasHapusGan ini juga sudah ada untuk BRI Liga 1 Ballpack nya?
BalasHapussudah ikutin caranya tapi ga ngefek ya